Hi! My name is Vicky Avenatti, I hold a university degree in Tourism and I currently work as a university teacher. I also provide freelance services as a travel agent and adviser, as well as working as a brand content creator. Even though I have been involved in the traveling and tourism industry for more than 10 years, every time someone requests a new itinerary, I put in as much enthusiasm as if I was traveling for the first time.
In 2019, I completed a workshop on travel chronicles and I was seeking to give my job a new meaning. As a result, I decided to create, ABC de Viajar. In this website, I aim at sharing my go-to recommendations for travel destinations in Argentina and encourage more people to visit this country.
Thanks to this blog, I was able to connect with several different tourist service providers, such as hotels, travel agencies and food places.
I currently offer my services as a travel agent for people from all over the world and I also create social media content for agencies and accommodation providers.
I firmly believe that traveling is a powerful source of knowledge and opens up everyone’s mind, whether that be by getting to know diverse cultures, admiring memorable landscapes or jumping into new means of transport.
ABCDEVIAJAR es una agencia de viajes freelance MOVIE’S TOUR (Movies Tour, Empresas de viajes y Turismo, legajo 14143, disp. 1255 Campana 3514, oficina 2 CABA CP1419)